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I am a follower of Christ, an educator, a lover of the great outdoors, and a cancer survivor.


I am a native Texan born in North Richland Hills. I grew up in the Piney Woods of Southeast Texas before relocating back to North Texas in my teen years.


I am a graduate of The Colony High School; The University of North Texas, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Master of Theological Studies.

On January 19, 2022, I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Colon Cancer. On February 10, 2022, I underwent a Sigmoid Colectomy in which just over six inches of my colon containing a 4.3 cm tumor was removed. I currently appear to be cancer free.

I invite you to follow my journey here on

For more of what’s in my head and what’s on my heart, be sure to check out my blog.

Please, feel free to call me Kep.

Follower of Christ

My desire in life is to glorify God in all that I do; I fall short more often than not. As a child, I came to recognize that I was created to have a relationship with God, but because of sin that relationship was fractured - a separation had occurred. I believe God sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to mend the fracture through death on a cross and resurrection from the grave. I live to love God and to love my neighbor (Mark 12:30-31).


I am a member of Parkside Baptist Church in Denison, Texas. I have served as a volunteer in the Parkside Student Ministry and have participated in various missions opportunities as well.

I have been blessed to have the opportunity to travel and serve God and my neighbors around the world. Internationally, I have had the opportunity to serve in Mexico, Peru, Guatemala, Central Asia, and the Dominican Republic. Domestically, I have had the opportunity to serve in Colorado Springs, Colorado; Mobile, Alabama; New Orleans, Louisiana; Aurora, Colorado; Arlington, Texas, and Dickinson, Texas.


I am in my 12th year in education. I support students and fellow educators in the classroom and in their extracurricular activities.


It is a great privilege to have the opportunity to positively influence and encourage students and fellow educators on a daily basis; extracurricular activities enhance my platform to influence and encourage others. Most nights throughout the school year you can find me in a gym or at a stadium. You may also find me in a high school auditorium or middle school cafeteria taking in a play or a concert.









As a student, I attended three middle schools and three high schools across the state of Texas. The Jasper Bulldogs were my first love. Then came the Denison Yellow Jackets. Now, my time is primarily devoted to supporting the students of Frisco Reedy High School and Pearson Middle School.

My passion is supporting students at the high school and middle school levels. It is that passion that leads me to a gym or a stadium night after night.

The Great Outdoors

When time allows, I make my way to the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and New Mexico. I have ridden the train up Pike’s Peak (14,115 ft), driven up Mount Evans (14,265 ft), and hiked up Mount Elbert (14,440 ft). 










I enjoy hiking and exploring new places. I also enjoy mountain biking, kayaking, and rafting as well as just going for a scenic drive through the mountains. Some of my favorite locations include Twin Lakes, Maroon Bells, and Trail Ridge Road in the Rocky Mountain National Park.


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