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2022-2023: Winning is Fun

I had a lot of fun supporting Pearson and Reedy students this school year. They did a lot of winning! The school year began with a transition out of the centralized special education program I had served in for six and a half years. I spent the year in sixth, seventh, and eighth grade classes primarily providing support to students in math and science classes with a little bit of history and English mixed in. I found myself providing support in twenty-five different classrooms at sometime throughout the year.


The first week of school was eventful as I watched my first of many Reedy volleyball games the day before our first day of class, welcomed a new group of students to Pearson, and had a final physical therapy appointment to address numbness in my legs - proper posture, proper body movement, and daily exercises prevent the numbness from returning.

On the second day of school, when a sixth grade student asked my name and thought I said Mr. Pepper, I quickly became known as Mr. Dr Pepper to many of our sixth grade students - I do drink a Dr Pepper every day at school.

As the school year moved on, I navigated physical ups and downs; the first day of school was only six months after my February surgery for colon cancer. In late August, I had my second post-surgery CT scan which I would receive results of in early September.


September began celebrating my 42nd birthday while awaiting tests results. I continued to educate myself to best understand my body and my new normal. When I did receive my latest test results, the news was all good as I appear to be cancer free and spots of interest on my lungs were clearing.

I continued to support students at Reedy and Pearson volleyball and football games. Reedy and Denison were nice enough to play their varsity football game on my birthday; it was nice to see my favorite twins, who happen to share my birthday, that night as well. I did my best to be a Raccoon when possible and support Pearson students now at Frisco High School due to rezoning. I was able to make a trip to watch a former Pearson and Reedy student athlete play volleyball as a college freshman. We celebrated Reedy volleyball seniors on senior night - I watched four players from Pearson play around 125 games from seventh grade through their senior season.

In addition to athletics, I do my best to support our fine arts programs as well. The FISD fine arts programs always put on wonderful performances. When possible at work, I found my way into a fine arts class. I played cello with a beginning orchestra class and sat in on a treble choir rehearsal.


October began with more fine arts as I made my way to a Reedy band marching contest and a Pearson choir concert.

Physical ups and downs continued, but I began to see tangible progress. For quite some time, weekends were rough as it seemed as if my body would shut down to recover from the week. I finally began to string consecutive good weekends together. At a follow up appointment with my primary care physician, we shifted our focus from my physical health to my mental health; it had been neglected for far too long. I began taking new medication, began a therapy program, and referrals were made to address other specific aspects of my mental health.

In the middle of the month, I received the sad news that a childhood friend from Denison had died; I attended the funeral surrounded by many church family members and friends.

At Reedy volleyball’s last home game of the season, I received a huge surprise as I was presented a signed team picture and a signed volleyball as a token of appreciation for my support.

November November began with round one of the high school volleyball playoffs; one of my favorite Reedy volleyball players, a former Pearson student, sang the national anthem before the game - I love that kid. Reedy volleyball’s playoff run began with a win over Independence. We had a color run at school and before it was over our sixth and seventh grade students made sure I looked like a colorful Easter egg; I love the occasions when our students have opportunities to just be kids and have fun. The first week of the month, I received a surprise from my GI doctor. I was called to schedule my follow up colonoscopy and expected it to be scheduled sometime in late January or early February; it was scheduled for a few days later instead. The colonoscopy revealed four polyps, the largest two being 10 mm and 16 mm; the polyps were benign; however, two were precancerous. Reedy volleyball continued its playoff run with wins over Woodrow Wilson and Lone Star to advance to the regional tournament. The Pearson theater students put on a wonderful performance of Into the Woods, Jr. Reedy volleyball beat McKinney North to advance to the regional championship game against Wakeland. Reedy came away with the win to become the first Frisco ISD school to qualify for the volleyball state tournament. I would take the day off work to go watch Reedy play in the state semifinal game; the players’ parents told me I had to. I had been to every game with the exception of early season tournament games that would have required me to take off work. Of course, there was no way I was going to miss that game. Reedy played Liberty Hill in the state semifinal game and won to advance to the state championship game against Colleyville Heritage. An incredible journey that began in August came to an end in mid-November as state runner-up; I watched the state championship game front and center of the Reedy student section. That was quite an experience! I am so glad I was able to support some of my favorite people during their record breaking season!

At age 42, I was diagnosed with ADHD. I celebrated Thanksgiving with a new outlook on life. I was truly thankful to be alive - thankful for the support of my family, church family, coworkers, and friends and thankful for my primary care physician and all the medical staff that contributed to my care throughout the calendar year.


December began with my first psychiatrist appointment to manage my ADHD; I began taking medication which has proven beneficial. I was also diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. We discussed management options and my psychiatrist supported the management steps my primary care had already put into place. I completed the therapy program that I began in October; my focus is on reframing my thinking and taking control of my thoughts.

As we got closer to Christmas, I picked up another nickname from our sixth grade students. Some call me Mr. Kepler, some call me Mr. Dr Pepper, and now some call me Mr. Grinch.

A coworker and I, both from southeast Texas, joined a large crowd at AT&T Stadium in Arlington to watch the state championship football game between Port Neches Groves and South Oak Cliff; South Oak Cliff would win its second straight state championship.


As a new year began, so did the Reedy soccer season. Reedy and Pearson basketball seasons were well underway. One of my favorite things to happen at games is when a former student goes out of their way to come and talk to me. And sometimes a parent gives me a cookie too! I got to pretend to be a cheer coach at one of Pearson's basketball games. It is always fun when that happens; I do not know anything about being a cheer coach. I had a rare opportunity to go watch a former coworker coach the daughter of one of my seventh grade best friends that I had not seen in years. They were playing against a girl from my home church in Denison; both girls also have brothers who I was able to watch play as well. The 19th marked one year since I was diagnosed with colon cancer; one year down, many more to live! I did a better job at resting and taking a night off here and there even if it meant missing a game or two. We said goodbye to our principal at Pearson; she will be opening FISD's newest middle school in the fall. It is always interesting to see how different students react when they see me in public. Sometimes I am chased down in the grocery store by a former student, now a high school student. I do enjoy opportunities to catch up with former students to hear how they are doing.


February began with some unexpected days off due to ice. The 10th marked one year since I had surgery. As the Reedy basketball seasons came to an end, the Reedy softball and baseball seasons began. The Reedy soccer seasons continued as the teams competed in arguably the most competitive district in the state.


As spring approached and March began, we were well into the Reedy soccer seasons, Pearson track and field, and Reedy softball and baseball seasons. I enjoyed many opportunities to witness coworkers as well as Reedy coaches just being mom or dad as they supported their student athletes. We celebrated the Reedy girls soccer seniors and like volleyball, there was a quartet of former Pearson student athletes that I had watched play for the last 6 years.

I was invited to attend a PTA meeting and was notified that I would be a recipient of an Honorary Lifetime Member Award. A very touching nomination on my behalf was read highlighting the ways I go above and beyond for our students.

The 8th marked one year since my initial oncologist appointment. Over spring break, I had another oncologist appointment - do I know how to have fun or what? Blood work was done and we discussed our steps going forward. I will have my next CT scan accompanied by blood work in early September. My oncologist emphasized the importance of maintaining my annual colonoscopy and to not let the time go beyond one year as my “body has demonstrated it likes to make polyps and cancer.”

Sometime around spring break, I stopped trimming my goatee. I have never seen Breaking Bad, but apparently several of our sixth grade students have and before long, I was being referred to as Walter White.

The end of the month saw the soccer playoffs begin. The Reedy girls picked up wins against Memorial, Sunset, and Wakeland to advance to the regional tournament.


April began with more soccer. The Pearson season was just beginning as the Reedy season was coming to an end. The Reedy girls played in the regional tournament and came away with a win over Forney before losing to Frisco High in the regional championship game. The Reedy boys also made it to the regional tournament and lost to McKinney North in the regional semifinal game.

There was a mass shooting following prom in the small town I grew up in. Eleven students age 15-19 were shot; fortunately there were no fatalities and multiple arrests have been made.

I was officially recognized at a district ceremony for my PTA Honorary Lifetime Member Award; I squeezed into some fancy pants and realized I probably need to do some shopping for some nice clothes that fit. After the ceremony, I made my way to Reedy softball’s first playoff game; Reedy won its first round series against Memorial 2-0.


May began with more doctor’s appointment; this time for an annual physical. Overall, I am well; however, I do need to make so lifestyle and dietary adjustments as some numbers are trending in the wrong direction.

A former pastor, who served as my pastor longer than any other, died after a lengthy battle with cancer; I am grateful for the impact he had on my life.

Reedy softball won its second round series against Woodrow Wilson 2-0. The Pearson soccer and athletic seasons came to an end with the district tournament. The seventh grade boys won the district championship while the seventh grade girls finished as district runner-up.

There was a mass shooting in Allen, just 13 miles from home. That weekend there was also a threat against FISD schools on social media. The following Monday we had almost, and sometimes, empty classrooms as most students stayed home as a precaution.

Some of my favorite days occurred late in the school year - frog dissection! I was able to assist with dissection in three class periods this year. It is fascinating watching our seventh grade students take on frog dissection each year.

My fine arts year ended with a wonderful spring concert by the Pearson choir. Our Life Skills class was part of the concert and it is always so nice watching how students in their class so patiently work with them.

Reedy softball lost to Lone Star in the third round of the playoffs. Six years watching games with girls from a seventh grade Spanish class I provided support in came to an end - I estimate I watched between 400-500 games one of the girls from that class participated in.

As the last week of school arrived, we recognized many of our wonderful students at the our annual awards ceremony. The Reedy baseball season continued as Reedy won a third round series against Liberty 2-1.

I said goodbye to some amazing young people as our 8th grade students said their final goodbyes. With the end of the school year, I also said goodbye to many long time coworkers who are moving on to new adventures next fall.

Year twelve in FISD is in the books! It was a year of personal growth both physically and mentally. I continued, with the guidance of my primary care physician, to focus on better taking care of myself. I finally learned a lesson my caring coworkers had been trying to teach me for years; it is okay to take care of myself. I am grateful for their never ending support. If you have made it this far, may I encourage you to take care of yourself as well. No one knows you better than you. You know when things are right and you know when something is wrong. When you need help, reach out to your people! Accept help. Use available resources and accept that sometimes a professional may be needed to guide you. That is okay. You are worth it!

The Class of 2023 has made their final walk; I will greatly miss this special group of students. They have such a big place in my heart. I celebrated many highs with Pearson and Reedy students throughout the school year; there were also some lows and opportunities for encouragement. I saw evidence that my time invested in students in middle school was now paying off for these students in high school. I was able to have some great conversations with students throughout the year and did my best to impart wisdom to those willing to listen. Yes, winning is fun, but the relationships developed while supporting students in and out of the classroom is what matters most. I am ready for a break to relax and enjoy some me time. I will rest and refresh, so that in August I am ready to pour out again.

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