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6 Month Follow Up

In March, I was informed there is a 3-4% chance of recurrence and neither chemo nor radiation would affect that percentage. That was good news and it meant there was no need for chemo or radiation. It also meant there is a 96-97% chance of no recurrence! It is fascinating how the mind tends to wander towards the unlikely. I must admit today as I drove to my oncologist's office for my 6 month follow up there was an element of fear. Fear not so much of the unlikely happening, but of the significance if it did. There are no signs of cancer. Bloodwork is good. Spots on lungs - likely from a previous infection - that were a potential concern are improving. I will follow up with my oncologist for bloodwork in six months and a CT scan in a year. I will follow up with my colorectal specialist for a one year check up and follow up colonoscopy at the beginning of the coming year. All of my doctors have made clear that I have to take care of myself. Certain things are unavoidable and unexplainable. There is no definitive reason I had colorectal cancer. It will likely still be quite some time before my body has fully normalized. I must be disciplined and make good food choices, stay hydrated, and do sufficient exercise to aid my digestive system as it continues to normalize. Each day is filled with choices and I must choose each day to live my best life.

I have been fortunate to have the best case scenario unfold almost every step of my cancer journey. God is good no doubt, but his goodness has nothing to do with my good news today. For if his goodness is dependent on my circumstances, then was he not good during my mother's cancer journey and death? Either he is good or he is not. You cannot have it both ways!

The oncologist's office was full, almost overflowing, today. Not everyone is receiving good news today. Not everyone is walking a best case scenario journey. Pray for those facing unknown circumstances and for those facing known undesirable circumstances!

Take care of yourself and do not neglect regular, age appropriate check ups!

I do not understand why I was chosen for this specific journey but my heart's desire is that God has and shall continue to be glorified through my life! Today I get to take a big step forward.

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