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I haven't written much this year. I haven't felt like it. Today is my birthday, so I'll write a brief recap of the last calendar year. There probably won't be much I haven't written about before. This is more for me than anyone else. I can't remember things as well as I once could, so it's nice to have something written to go back and look at.

This time a year ago as another school year began, I found myself following Reedy volleyball more than ever before. A special group of seniors that I had watched play since middle school were beginning what would end up being a historic season. I made it to every game except for early season tournament games that would have required me to take time off from work. At the end of the season, I did take a day off as they played in the state semifinals! There was no way I was going to miss watching them play in the state tournament. They won that semifinal game and played for a state championship. They fell short in the state championship game ending their season as state runner-up. I love getting to support some of my favorite people doing what they love. In November, I had a colonoscopy. The doctor found four polyps, all benign though two were deemed to be precancerous. The largest of the polyps was 16mm which is a bit concerning considering it had only been nine months since my colectomy. In December, I added a psychiatrist to my collection of doctors following a diagnosis of ADHD. The psychiatrist also diagnosed me with Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I have spent the better part of the last year learning to navigate life with the awareness of these diagnoses and how to manage life. There have been some significant moments of enlightenment as well as moments of great frustration. January and February marked one year since my cancer diagnosis and colectomy. Both events seem well beyond a year and a half ago. In March, I had a clear CT scan and follow up appointment with my oncologist. I will have my next CT scan in just a few days and follow up the next week. I have no reason to believe anything will show up on the CT scan; however, I would be lying if I said the negative "what ifs" have not drifted into my mind lately. As winter turned into spring, my attention was on the Reedy girls soccer team. Like the volleyball team, this team had a core group of special seniors that I had watched play since middle school. Their season ended in a shoot out in the Regional Championship game. As the school year came to a close, it was the Reedy softball and baseball teams that I would follow. The softball season ended in the third round of the playoffs while the Reedy baseball team made a run all the way to the state tournament in Round Rock!

I had an unexpected opportunity to go on a mission trip to Lima, Peru in June. I and seven others from Parkside made the trip to work alongside Chuck Hanks and his family. It was a wonderful experience to see how God is working through the Hanks' family in Lima. In mid-July, I spent a week visiting my uncle and aunt in the Rocky Mountains. I always enjoy my time with them as well as exploring the beauty of God's creation. When I returned home, I began having significant issues with my ears. A few times a year for the last several years, I have had trouble with my ears that subsided with time or medication. This time has been different. After multiple visits with my primary care physician, I was referred to an otolaryngologist. That's the fancy word for an ENT. My hearing was tested and it tested normal. My ears looked good. Still, I am suffering from intense pressure that makes it difficult to hear and at times affects my balance. I am on multiple prescriptions and will follow up with the ENT in two more weeks. Thus far, I am not receiving much relief so we will likely be further discussing the possibility of ear tubes to provide relief. It is extremely frustrating when I am at my worst and cannot hear or understand when students speak to me. Year thirteen in education is a few weeks underway now. I am primarily in eighth grade classes this year. The high school and middle school volleyball and football seasons are underway. I'm not going to games every night as I am trying to do a better job of taking care of myself. Sometimes that means I need to go home and rest. I do love getting to support students in their extracurricular activities. I love being able to reconnect with former students now in high school. I don't always feel my best. I have days when my GI system seems completely out of control. Those days are rare now! I have days when I am tired and weak. Those days are few and far between. I have days when I can barely hear and when I can barely walk straight and stay up right. Those days are too common right now, but are being addressed. At times, it is frustrating because it seems like there is always something wrong with me. I made it another year! It has been 590 days since my cancer diagnosis. Cancer does not define me, but it will always be a part of my story. Though it seems like much longer ago than it really has been, I am still in the early stages of my story. Right now, things look good. I trust and pray that will remain the case. If not, I will continue to trust God down whatever path he may lead me. I do my best to get up each day and make a positive impact on the lives of students. On my best days and on my worst days, I am incredibly blessed with the opportunity to do so!

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