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A Year of ...

I don't remember much about 2023. There were plenty of highs and some lows along the way as well I am sure. I will do my best to reflect on the year with the aid of pictures in my phone to refresh my memory. January: I won my fantasy football league and then retired from fantasy football. I celebrated my one year cancer diagnosis anniversary - I say celebrate because I am still alive and appear to be cancer free. February: Most of my time was spent supporting former students. There were Reedy girls' soccer games, girls' and boys' basketball games, softball games, and track meets. March: There were more games. I was honored by the Pearson PTA with an Honorary Life Member Award. I had blood work and a CT scan done for my oncologist - all appears well. April: There were even more games. I don't do much besides support students at their extracurricular activities. Reedy soccer made it to the regional tournament - I watched some of my favorite people play their last game. It has been five years since my mom died. I attended a banquet for my PTA Honorary Life Member Award.

May: I had my annual wellness check with my primary care physician. I need to do a better job making healthy lifestyle choices. I am at an increased risk for heart attack or stroke. I am also trending toward diabetic. We dissected frogs at school - always one of my favorite days. Many of my favorite human beings graduated from Reedy High School - the class of 2023 will always hold a special place in my heart. June: There was a trip to the state tournament for Reedy baseball. I went on a mission trip to Lima, Peru. It was my first big endeavor since my cancer diagnosis and surgery in early 2022. I had a wonderful time ministering with some great friends as we supported the work God is doing through Hanks family in Peru. July: I made a trip to the Rockies to see family and relax while enjoying God's creation. August: I began my 13th year with Frisco ISD. With the beginning of another school year comes the beginning of another season of Reedy volleyball. I had another appointment with my primary care physician as I continue to try to better take care of myself. I also had an appointment with an ENT to address significant issues that had arisen - I never knew someone could use three prescription nasal sprays at one time. As another year of Pearson events began, I took on a new voluntary role. I had my first experience both taking pictures for the Pearson Yearbook and shooting video for the Pearson Broadcast. September: I'm a year older now. I had bloodwork and a CT scan done for my oncologist - all appears well and I no longer have to have CT scans. My psychiatrist and I increased my ADHD medication - I do believe I see benefits from the medication though I still struggle with memory issues. October: I was surprised as Pearson Cheer included me and recognized me as a cancer survivor at halftime of one of the Pearson football games - I was escorted by two amazing young ladies. The master bathroom toilet at home flooded beginning two stressful months of insurance and contractors. November: We had our color run at school. The Texas Rangers won the World Series! I watched Pearson Theater's fall play. Reedy volleyball made another run to the regional tournament. I had another ENT appointment and was "released" to continue the prescription nasal sprays as I determined necessary. Enough improvement occurred that we did not need to explore more significant, invasive options. I had an appointment with my colorectal specialist and had my annual colonoscopy - I am on the annual plan due to my cancer diagnosis and the presence of polyps last year. My colonoscopy was clear and I was promoted from an annual plan to a two year plan! I got to reconnect with some family friends from Jasper as at a FISD middle school basketball game. December: I embraced my alleged grinchiness during our holiday dress up days at school - I decorated my desk an most days I wore something Grinch related. Reconstruction finally began at home following the mid-October flooding. I got a wall and more for Christmas! I had bloodwork done and an appointment with primary care physician - most of my numbers are headed in the right direction. I still need to be more discipline to make sure I am best taking care of myself. We have also taken another step to best take care of my mental health. I am sure there are other things that occurred that I should probably remember, but I don't. It was a good year. I made significant progress in my journey as a cancer survivor. I am continuing to work on caring for my physical and mental health through all the ups and downs that may come my way. I have an extensive support system that I can call upon if needed. God has and continues to bless me. I pray that as life continues to change that I will continue to seek him and that through me he will be glorified.

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