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  • Writer's picturecallmekep

Etched in Stone

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die. Ecclesiastes 3:1-2a

There are many seasons of life we each endure. Some seasons are brief while others are quite lengthy. Some seasons are expected while others come as a surprise. Each season has its time and its purpose. Through each season we grow and are shaped into the person we are to become.

In each season, take the time you need for yourself to ensure your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health. Likewise, take the time to love those you love. Even in the mundane routines of every day life, there is great opportunity to maintain and strengthen relationships with one another. While well thought out, planned moments are great, the simple, seemingly inconsequential routine and the spontaneous moments can leave a lasting impact on the legacy of a relationship. Go to the grocery store with mom. Go get the oil changed with dad. Help mom do the laundry. Help dad do the yardwork. Sit down and watch the soap opera or sitcom with mom and the news or the game with dad. Invite your younger sibling to ride along on the late night trip to Whataburger. Help your younger sibling with their homework. Eat meals together when you can and don't argue with each other. Find something positive to talk about. When mom wants a picture, take the picture - and smile! Whatever it is, wherever you are, take the time to love those you love.

One day, the time will run out. Suddenly, you will find yourself wishing you had taken the time, because one day you will find yourself staring at a name etched in stone.

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