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  • Writer's picturecallmekep

Going Home

After a three night stay in the Sarah Cannon Cancer Hospital at Medical City Plano, the time has come to say goodbye to Room C222. I am going home!

I could not be more impressed with the staff at this facility and the care that I have received. From my surgery Thursday morning to remove the section of my colon containing the tumor until my discharge Sunday, everyone has cared for me with compassion and excellence.

My needs have been listened to and my needs have been met. As much as possible, I was involved in deciding the best options for care. I was not rushed at any stage, but was encouraged with wisdom and expertise to best facilitate my recovery. When I did not know what I needed, I was patiently guided and questioned until the need could be determined. When my pain was difficult to manage, we continued to work until a solution was found - five or six pain medications later I had a wonderful night of rest. When I unknowingly mooned everyone and later could not dress myself, I was graciously covered. No need was too small nor too big to be addressed.

Each nurse, tech, and therapist has been a blessing to me as they have assisted in my recovery.

I am grateful for the many conversations we had and the opportunities that I was able to speak about my faith. Every person who entered my room while I was listening to the Gaither Vocal Band asked about the music. I was repeatedly encouraged to hold strong to my faith and told that I was being prayed for by various members of the staff.

As I transition home, my recovery is just beginning. Information about pathology results and treatment plans will be shared when that information is available.

***It has now been stated that chemotherapy may be recommended even if the pathology results come back good***


Pray that God is glorified in my response to my circumstances

Pray for my family and friends who love me and continue on this journey with me

Pray for the physical healing of my five incisions

Pray for the physical healing of my colon that was reattached after resection

Pray that my digestive system adjusts to the changes that have been made as a result of my surgery

Pray for regular, clean bowel movements

Pray for minimal pain as I continue to heal and carry out routine tasks such as showering and getting dressed

Pray for mental peace

Pray for good pathology results

Pray that chemotherapy is not needed

Pray for clarity and wisdom as doctors determine necessary treatment plans

Pray for my finances

Give praise for those who have been able to assist and encourage me in any manner whether it be prayer, financially, providing meals, cards, phone calls, texts, etc…

Give praise for those who cared for me during my hospital stay

Give praise for my family, especially my brother, who have done a wonderful job assisting me thus far

Thank you for your love and for your prayers!

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