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My Bucket List

Some of you are already uncomfortable because of the title; some of you are uncomfortable with any talk of death. I understand; however, it is not topic I choose to avoid.

For my brothers and sisters in Christ, it is simply foolish to avoid talk of death for in doing so we lose the message of the gospel. There is no salvation without resurrection and no resurrection without the death of Christ.

If you are uncomfortable, that is okay. You can choose to stop reading now or you can trust me and read on as I share from my heart.

On one of my many days at home recently, I began to think about my bucket list. What are the things I want to be sure to do before I die? I should have many years before me to accomplish my list though I know that tomorrow is not guaranteed for any of us.

I have been incredibly blessed in my 41 years.

I have graduated four times - fifth grade (yes, we had a ceremony), high school, bachelor's, and master's! Not bad for someone who does not like to read.

I have performed in college and NFL stadiums, at the US capital, and in the streets of Houston and New York. Being a band nerd afforded me many wonderful experiences!

For six years, my paycheck came from the Dallas Cowboys. I have an NFL pension letter stored away as a keepsake. My time in retail provided me many unique experiences!

I have seen twenty-eight states from the Gulf Coast beaches to the Rocky Mountains and the Great Smoky Mountains up to New York City. Along the way, I have been blessed to serve others in Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.

I have traveled the world visiting five countries on four continents. Those trips were some of the greatest experiences of my life shared with wonderful friends. I was able to see beautiful sights and experience new foods and traditions. Each country visited was an opportunity to serve others in the name of Jesus.

For the last 10+ years, I have been blessed to serve students and staff on two campuses at the middle school level in Frisco ISD.

In all of the experiences listed above, God has blessed me with wonderful peers, friends, mentors, coworkers, and encouragers of all kinds.

As I reflected on my life and pondered where I want to go or what I want to do, I initially struggled to come up with an answer. No destination stood out. Neither did an experience. Eventually, I was able to come to a conclusion of one thing I would put on my list.

As I am at various events, I am often asked which kid is mine. The simple answer is all of them!

Right now, many, if not most, of our kids are in crisis. It's not always easy to notice. Most of these kids in crisis have done a good job of figuring out how to blend in with their peers and go undetected. These kids are not limited to outsiders, shy kids, or underachievers. The superlative kids are in crisis as well. The smartest, the strongest, and the fastest; the lead actors, first chair musicians, and award winning artists; the popular kids, the show up every day and do what they are supposed to do polite kids, and even the church kids; many of them are in crisis!

These kids struggle with self-everything: concept, esteem, image, efficacy, awareness! However you choose to break it down, these kids are struggling with who they are as a person.

My Bucket List: Break the Silence What so many of our students need to hear most is unable to be spoken by many who know our students best. And those who are able to speak so often choose not to. To ask for help shows weakness, so those in need remain silent. To offer help is offensive, so those who care remain silent. The decline of healthy relationships within our families and our communities has led to silence. The silence has led to crisis. I would love nothing more than to be able to honestly and openly speak truth into the lives of our students. To let them know that they are loved. To let them know that they are worth more than they could possibly even imagine. To let them know that they are not defined by their successes or failures. To let them know that they are seen and heard. To let them know that they matter. I do so to the greatest extent possible through my words and my actions each day but reality is I am limited in my ability to do so and it is heartbreaking. I encourage each of you to use your voice to speak life into others. Speak life into our students. Break the silence!

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1 commento

12 feb 2022

That is what I would also do. I often anguish over my grandchildren and the silence of their heartbreak.

Mi piace
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