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  • Writer's picturecallmekep

Nothing Is Good

Today, I had a colonoscopy. As I arrived to the facilty to check in, like most facilities I have found myself visiting since the beginning of 2022, I was the oddball; there were a bunch of old people present. It doesn't bother me, but it doesn't go unnoticed. After answering some questions and finalizing some paperwork, my name was called and it was my time. I changed in to my medical gown, still not as easy as it seems it should be, and began to meet the team that would be caring for me today. The lead doctor, my colorectal surgeon, was the only one who had cared for me in the past, so as each new person introduced themselves and inquired about my circumstances there was a bit of surprise on each face as I detailed my recent medical journery. The IV was placed, various other things were attached to me or stuck on me, and I was rolled away. After a brief conversation with my doctor, he checked my surgery scars; my scars looked good. Then, the anesthesiologist (I spelled that right on the first try) introduced himself, hooked me up, and to sleep I went. Now for what anyone actually cares about. I awoke and was shortly thereafter met by my doctor to go over the results of today's colonoscopy. My two previous colonoscopies included an on the spot cancer diagnois and a 16 mm precancerous polyp just nine months after surgery. I had no reason to expect any sort of bad news today though I was prepared for anything. There was nothing. There are no polyps. There are no signs of cancer. Nothing is good. My doctor recommends another colonosopy in two years. I have made it off of the annual colonoscopy plan! For now, I continue to try to make healthy lifestyle chocies. I continue to show up to work everyday to serve others and try to make a positive difference in the lives of students. I continue to love Jesus and love others.

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