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  • Writer's picturecallmekep

Oncologist Follow Up

I recently had a follow up CT scan to check my abdomen following my January diagnosis of colorectal cancer and my February surgery to remove the tumor. Today I met with my oncologist to go over the results of the CT scan.

My colon looks good; overall everything looks good. There are a couple of spots in other areas, on my lungs and “deep within my belly” (those are the oncologist’s words; most likely a cyst) that are being monitored, but nothing shows malignant tendencies; neither my oncologist nor I am concerned.

I will have another CT scan in late August prior to my 6 month follow up (from my initial oncologist’s appointment) in September.

If all is well at that time we will do another CT scan in 6 months.

At this time, I am progressing well and beginning to work on regaining my strength. After 2+ months with a lifting restriction, my upper body is very weak.

I also recently received the results from my brain MRI and the blood work from my physical. The MRI showed my brain and everything in my head to be in good condition; there are no concerns there. Blood work revealed that I have a low functioning thyroid. That could be the cause of many other issues I have been dealing with. I am on medication and will follow up with my primary care physician in 3 months.


Pray that the spots that showed up on my CT scan are insignificant

Pray that I will continue to progress and regain my strength

Pray that my digestive system will fully recover

Pray that my thyroid medication will be effective

Pray that I will be disciplined in making healthy choices in regards to what I eat and my lifestyle

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