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  • Writer's picturecallmekep

The Latest

As of today, I no longer have any restrictions related to my February 10th surgery. My restriction of lifting no more than 20 pounds has expired.

My upper body is noticeably weak. Sitting, bending, twisting, turning, or reaching over my head creates discomfort. There is still a degree of swelling/bloating in my abdomen. My flexibility is improving but has a long way to go. Following a week of severe allergies my largest incision site is sore due to extensive coughing and sneezing. I look forward to the days ahead as I am able to begin regaining my strength!

Regarding my cancer diagnosis, on March 8th my oncologist stated if someone were to ask I could tell them: I had Stage 1 Colon Cancer and at this time I appear to be cancer free. I have a 4-5% chance of recurrence and neither chemotherapy nor radiation would affect that percentage. We will continue to monitor my situation. My genetic tests came back negative indicating I have no predispositions for cancer. Why I had colon cancer at age 41 cannot be determined.

I am continuing to work with my primary care physician to evaluate my overall health. Today I underwent an MRI on my brain due to cognitive issues I have been dealing with for quite some time. Later this week, I have the second of two appointments for a general physical; three tubes of blood were taken for routine testing at my initial physical appointment.

I am learning to better take care of myself as I take more time to rest and make better life decisions. I still have a way to go to get where I want to be, but I am headed in the right direction.

Thank you for your ongoing support and prayers!

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