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  • Writer's picturecallmekep

The Week Ahead

MONDAY: My last full day of work.


TUESDAY AFTERNOON: Work. My last time on campus for a while.

WEDNESDAY: Colon prep. Time to clean out my system again.

THURSDAY: Surgery day! 8-10 inches of my sigmoid colon will be removed. Lymph nodes will be removed for biopsy. Pathology results will determine whether or not chemo is needed.

FRIDAY: Whatever the doctors and nurses tell me to do or not do.

SATURDAY: Same as Friday. Maybe go home.


Pray that God is glorified

Pray for my family and friends who may be scared

Pray for my coworkers and my campus’ students in my absence

Pray for all medical personnel who will be involved in my surgery and recovery

Pray for my physical comfort

Pray for my mental peace

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