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  • Writer's picturecallmekep

What Now?

This will be short and to the point. Today I had my follow up appointment regarding my surgery on February 10th. Pathology results came back negative on all 37 lymph nodes removed. However, I am being referred to an oncologist for monitoring, and due to the size of the tumor that was removed and my age, chemotherapy will be discussed and is likely. My incisions are healing well. I anticipate returning to work in the coming weeks in a limited capacity.


Pray that God is glorified in my response to my circumstances

Pray for my family and friends who love me during this journey Pray for the continued physical healing of my five incisions

Pray for the continued physical healing of my colon that was reattached after resection

Pray for clarity and wisdom for the medical personnel involved during this journey

Pray for positive, smooth interactions with insurance

Give praise for those who have been able to assist and encourage me in any manner whether it be prayer, financially, providing meals, cards, phone calls, texts, etc…

Give praise for my family, especially my brother, who have done a wonderful job assisting me thus far Pray my mental health remains well Thank you for your love and for your prayers!

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