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  • Writer's picturecallmekep

What's Going On?

I do not know, but I hope to find out. During an appointment on Wednesday, January 5th (to address lingering COVID-19 issues), I got the ball rolling to answer the question: What's going on?

In addition to COVID-19 related issues, which for the most part are behind me aside from some of the random lingering side effects, I am dealing with gastrointestinal issues that PREDATE my COVID-19 test result.

Today, Monday, January 10th, I had a follow up appointment. In addition to receiving two prescriptions, blood work is being done, stool samples will be tested, and I have an upcoming appointment with a GI specialist.

The above information is the extent to which I can currently answer the question in hand.

Why am I sharing this news when I have so little information?

I desire your prayers.

How you can pray for me?

Pray that through whatever lies before me God is glorified.

Pray for my family and friends who may be scared through whatever lies before me.

Pray for all medical personnel who will be involved through whatever lies before me.

Pray for physical comfort through whatever lies before me.

Pray for mental peace through whatever lies before me.

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:8-9

What I do not need?

I do not need your recipes nor your remedies. I am sure your grandma was a wonderful lady but grandma is not the one who will be assisting me in answering the question. Neither will the internet which I have total access to at the tips of my fingers. Though I am sure some of you have the best of intentions with possible suggestions, please just pray for me.


There are a lot of potential answers to the question at hand. Depending on the answer, the solution could be quite simple or quite complex. The answer could provide a great sense of relief or a great sense of fear. I spend five days a week encouraging people to ask for help with the question yet I have been stubborn and foolish and have not asked for help with the question for far too long. Whether I have 41 more years, months, days, or minutes, my desire is to love God with all that I am and to love my neighbor as God loves them. My intent is not to scare anyone, but reality is we are all going to die at some point. Many years ago at First Baptist Church in Jasper, Texas, I gave my life to Christ. I confessed with my mouth that He is my Lord and to this day I believe in my heart that God raised him from the dead. It is based on that confession and that belief that though I may have moments of fear of the unknown I have great joy in my heart for my eternity is and forever shall be secure.

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